Richard Buckminster Fuller

Richard Buckminster Fuller, inventor

Richard Buckminster Fuller was born on July 12, 1895. This month our IP lawyers have updated the Interesting Patents page to honor this great American inventor. Possibly Fuller’s most recognizable patent is directed to Geodesic Building Construction and will be familiar to anyone who’s visited the Epcot theme park. Next, the object of Fuller’s Cartography patent is to provide a sectional map of the world with minimal distortion to boundaries, directions, and distances. Finally, issued in 1940, his patent for a Prefabricated Bathroom describes a prefabricated bathroom that could be “carried by hand through a doorway and up a staircase of the average house.”

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Dawsey IP is dedicated to providing the highest quality intellectual property legal services to clients around the globe. Our intellectual property lawyers pride themselves in knowing our client’s businesses so that we can better educate our clients on the legal risks associated with their business decisions. This often includes strategically monitoring competitor’s intellectual property portfolios, as well as participating in meetings to road map a direction for the future of our client’s patent and trademark portfolios.