Dawsey IP has prosecuted trademark applications covering a wide variety of products and services, including word marks, design marks, and nontraditional trademarks such as product designs. In addition to the hundreds of trademark applications we have filed for clients, below you may browse some of the US trademark applications that we have prosecuted from initial filing through to trademark registration.
What is the best way to select a US trademark registration attorney that is right for you? Well, there is no “best way,” but evaluating the past work of a trademark lawyer is a good starting point. Fortunately, intellectual property law is a field in which you can perform a lot of research on the USPTO website and review the work of a potential attorney. Additionally, does the prospective lawyer have examples of their work on their website? If not, why not? We are proud of our work and want you to evaluate it.
This page highlights some of the brands we have helped companies protect via trademark registration. Like patents, your goal should be to obtain trademark protection that is as broad as possible. Doing so requires hiring a US trademark registration attorney that has trademark strategy at the top of mind. Have they explained the pros and cons of design marks versus word marks, the significance of claiming color or not, and the importance of the description, of ID, of the goods and services? If not, we will. You don’t want a trademark lawyer that just takes what you supply and files an application; you want a trademark attorney that applies trademark prosecution strategies to achieve the best return on investment. I encourage you to evaluate our work with this in mind.