D838,327 – Breakthrough Golf Technology LLC – Golf Shaft Having Contrasting Regions
Patent No.: D838,327 (get PDF)
Title: Golf shaft having contrasting regions
Assignee: Breakthrough Golf Technology LLC
Abstract: The ornamental design for a golf shaft having contrasting regions, as shown and described
About Us: A US industrial design patent lawyer and professional engineer serving industrial designers and product development teams across the country, and around the world, protect their industrial designs. As an engineer and design patent attorney, I help product designers identify the prior art inventions, identify points of unique design attributes light of the prior art, and prepare unique design patent applications that focuses on the protectable aspects of the invention. As you can see, our design patent attorneys are experienced in protecting the ornamental design of sports equipment and accessories, bottles, packaging, and machinery. How do you find a design patent attorney that is right for you? Start by asking to see examples of their recently issued patents, and analyze what is claimed, and unclaimed, in the drawings. Put yourself in the position of a competitor and ask “how easy would it be for me to design around this design patent?”